I think any filter can clog; my Miniworks certainly has. But, to my 10 little thumbs, it has been easier to clean in the field than any other filter I've used. (I'm currently trying to get used to a Hyperflow; the backflush procedure, which involves removing and reversing some little rubber valves, seems like a real good way to render it inoperable as one of those disappears in the process. My solution so far is to carry an extra element - the ultimate solution may be to revert to the Miniworks.)

Most filters can also crack, if dropped hard or frozen; kept inside my pack, I can also drop my pack on granite and not damage my filter. But, drop the filter hard directly on the granite, and it probably wouldn't survive.

But, tent poles can break, stoves can clog, pads can leak - we all accept that as a normal risk, and plan how to deal with it. That's why I've always carried some purification tablets, just in case (and I'll bet you do, too.)