Lots of good feedback and lots of good points. It doesn't change the facts about soloing, just brings up the importance of preparation and experience. At least that's what I took away from it.

I've been reading through the SAS handbook and if nothing else I like the introduction. Wiseman starts with a pyramid:

/ \
/ Knowledge \
/ \
/ Will to Live \

Will to live or confidence is described as the foundation. Most of the people referenced in the stories here are people that had no confidence.

Knowledge is what dispels fear.

Kit is what helps us accomplish survival.

Anyway. It's been on my mind and I think the lack of knowledge and will to live account for the vast majority of people who get in trouble or even killed.

Just recently with the story of the man who literally crawled out of the same area that aron ralston lost his arm in shows how important those factors are. Yes he got himself hurt, but it was his will to live that got him out.

Edited by Paulo (09/24/11 08:37 AM)
Without a doubt, the hardest thing of all in a survival situation is to cook without the benefit of seasonings and flavourings. - Ray Mears
