The caveat with that software is that the trails you want are not always on them. Here in California I rely a lot on Tom Harrison's maps, because he/the company update the maps on an ongoing basis - some of the parks less than 50 years old have newer trail systems that just don't exist on those old topo maps.

For example, Topo!Explorer is useless for the trail system at Henry Coe State Park, one of my group's primary winter backpacking locales. The best map for Henry Coe is the one at the visitor center - aren't any other ones I'm aware of with all the trails and springs on it.

The other software I use is the National Geographic Sierra Nevada specific software - that's updated more regularly than the cheap quads available for a buck through Topo!Explorer.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki