Thanks for all the feedback! As some of you mentioned, it is certainly not a complete guide. I don't expect inexperienced hikers to read my blog, toss a pack on, and hit the trail. That being said, I will add in a little more about experience. I don't want to make it look like I'm encouraging anyone and everyone to go solo. I am 22 and have been a hiker my whole life. I enjoy hiking solo, with friends, and just joined a meetup group. I will make some edits to that post. I agree 100% that you should be experienced and not hike outside your element. I have done group hikes in Israel in the desert and would not do so on my own. I have experience being off trail and needing to get back on, but have never bushwhacked up a mountain and wouldn't for the heck of it.

This is my personal advice (I am a teacher, I don't work for a company and I'm not an expert), but this is what I take with me. You don't need to take a multi-tool for example, but I take one in case I am stranded, or just need to cut some duct tape to fix something.

Thanks for the advice. Keep it coming! smile
