Originally Posted By skcreidc
Wait, wait, WAIT!!! Lets just back up a second here...

If you ever try and grab the tail of a small smooth green snake, watch out, they are freaking fast! They will turn around and try to bite you pretty dang quick. Much faster than a garden snake, or copper mouth, or any other snake I have tried it with.

finallyME, YOU have tried to pick up a copperhead by the tail WITHOUT pinning the head first!?!? DUUUUDE! That is CRAzY. Tell me about it...

Well, lets see....there I was..:)
It wasn't on the trail, it was at home. I was about 16 and we were living in an apartment complex in San Antonio. I was walking home when a big black guy yelled snake. Of course, I went running toward the commotion. The snake had almost made it to the undeveloped forested area that was next to the complex when I quickly grabbed the tail to pull it back in view. All I did the first time was pull it back and then let it go. So, as soon as it hit the ground, it started to try and get away again. I then grabbed the tail again. This time the snake decided to try and bite me. It was really slow turning back on itself and wasn't even close to getting his head near me. Then it decided to coil up. The black guy went and got a tire iron from his car, and I put it on top of the snake, then grabbed the back of it's head. When I lifted it up, it was a little longer than I was tall, so probably about 6 feet long. We eventually cut it's head off, despite me wanting to take it home as a pet. This was all well before I saw crocodile hunter on TV.

When you are young, you do dumb things. Well, at least I did. smile
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