Sounds like you've done a pretty good first pass at gear selection - however, if (when) you decide to go lighter, you'll replace most of it. That's OK - in fact, for some of us, it's part of the hobby.

A couple of specific comments:

The Miniworks is a great filter. I've been philandering on mine lately with an MSR Hyperflow to save half a pound - I'm becoming more confident in it, but at the first hint of problems, I'm going back to the Miniworks.

First aid kit: you'll probably do better by going to the drug store and buying components. The problem with pre-packed kits is they contain some stuff you'll never use. (By the way, there's no sense in carrying anything in the kit you don't know HOW to use!) My current kit, kept in a quart-size ziploc bag, consists of moleskin, some bandaids, Ibuprofen, a few gauze pads and some cloth tape, Benadryl tablets, an elastic bandage, scissors, nail clippers, tweezers, and a small tube of Neosporin. I've never needed anything else. CAVEAT: that's my personal kit, for solo hiking. If you're leading a group, you'll want a larger kit (and the Red Cross or Wilderness First Responder certifications to be able to use it.)

Have good trips!

Edited by Glenn (08/26/11 07:50 AM)