No, Glenn, I don't think you (or any other responder) come off as being intentionally mean to those that ask this question. Just that some of us find it more annoying than others (probably because of having heard more clueless people ask it). I don't find it as annoying as some, probably because I still remember being one of those relatively clueless people when I started out hiking.

I still remember doing a hike with my best friend in college, to the top of Mt. San Jacinto above Palm Springs. It was the first time either of us had hiked any distance (it's 10 miles RT, 2400 ft elevation gain up to a 10,800 ft peak). We didn't bring any food or worse, any water! Our level of ignorance is amazing to me now, looking back at it - but several people offered us water along the way, and I never neglected to bring water after that. I was completely blown away by the beauty of the granite, trees, meadows, completely unlike anyplace I'd ever been.

I like Lori's idea of making them pay for it with an "educational moment" - that's probably the most helpful way of answering the question, in the long run!