Are we there, yet?

I was asked that at least five times on the way back from some waterfalls I guided some people to this spring. The trail there was less than three miles long and they had just walked it with me on the way there. I just answered, "I dunno, I can get out my map and GPS and show you."

Originally Posted By wandering_daisy
OK, here I will confess. I honestly do not feel personally responsible for all the hikers out there.

Well I am glad to hear that I'm not alone in feeling that way.

I've met way too many hikers, canoers, boaters, 4-Wheelers, etc., that thought I was responsible for them.

I've railed on about this in other threads so I'll try not do that here, but I will say that what they all have in common is an uncanny ability to ignore common sense and good advice, and after that, an imposing inclination to shift their burden onto my shoulders and a strong conviction that I owe it to them to carry it.

Of course, I don't take it personal, I'm sure they'd do the same to anyone they'd run into. I suspect they bumble through their entire life that way crazy


"You want to go where?"