Up at Tuolomne Meadows in the Yosemite High country, the marmots would bite radiator hoses and drink the poisonous - don't quote me - Ethelyn glycol? antifreese. frown Someone suggested just leaving a bowl of it for them, eek but we decided the National Park would frown on that. mad

Here its marmot and horse country and the two do not mix. People here trap, shoot and poison marmots and set dackshounds upon them.

I have sprayed a skunk with water from my gardem hose and he looked up at the sky and scurried for cover without even wondering if I was spraying him.

I've thrown a hand sized rock at a bear whose head was right in the crotch of tree. As the highly accurate rock came in towards him, he ignored it, after all, who throws rocks at bears, but as it glanced off the tree and brushed his face he jumped like it was the first time he realised he was under attack. I've also scared off bears by throwing a rock down hard on rocky ground and making the dreaded "landlside sound"
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.