Well trying to avoid hijack - ithis is sort of like hunters and photographers. The wildlife photogs scream about how hunters kill little animals, but they pay ZERO (0) moneys, fees etc towards the support of that wildlife. Hunters on the other hand may kill little animals but 100% of ALL animal funds, fish and game etc etc, come from hunters fees used to support a healthy stock to hunt, which also benefits the animals greatly, as wel as culling etc.
I know the camping fees are high in California, but if everyone who hiked in parks ponied up a couple of bucks, they would have parks. Sure they are public property - and they will have to have law enforcement to keep people out when they are closed - soon only rangers will have access to parks and that is the hidden ajenda of some people = parks for animals not humans.

Soap box off.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.