Originally Posted By phat
[quote=Chuk]Hi,I'm a first time poster.
Will be doing the West Coast trail this Aug and was wondering how everyone carries/stores food in their packs? Is it all in one bag inside your pack labeled for each days meals? I guess the advantage of one bag would be to hang it in the trees overnight for bear proofing. What type of water proof bag are you using?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I plan out the next few months.

and to answer your original questions - I normally keep my food in one big bag in my pack, most often that's an ursack (bear resistant sack) but I take an extra medium ziploc. Every day at breakfast I pull out my day's allotment of snacks and put them in the ziploc which stays accessible in the top of my pack. My dinners and breakfasts just stay in the bag (until I take them out to make and eat them).

the big bag then gets appropriately stowed (hung, tied or bear lockered) to make sure it is bear safe at night, along with other smellibles.

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