Originally Posted By Chuk
Hi,I'm a first time poster.
Will be doing the West Coast trail this Aug and was wondering how everyone carries/stores food in their packs? Is it all in one bag inside your pack labeled for each days meals? I guess the advantage of one bag would be to hang it in the trees overnight for bear proofing. What type of water proof bag are you using?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I plan out the next few months.

Hi Chuck

If you are doing West Coast Trail, yes you can bear bag, and you can also use an ursack

However, I've done this trail a lot,and all the campsites on it have very good bear boxes. The campsites at Michigan, Darling, Tscowais, Tsusiat, Cribs, Carmannah, Walbran, Camper, and Thrasher all have a big aluminum bear locker near the composting toilet - that's the place to keep your food.

The only reason you would need to hang or use an ursack is if you plan to random camp (and if you do, don't do it on one of the many indian reservations on the trail). As you probably don't want to do that anyway, My sugesstion is you'll be fine with your food in a light nylon bag. Have a length of line in case you get stuck and have to hang it, but that's pretty hard to do there, there are lots of campsites, and in august access to the trail is restricted per day so it won't be overrun.
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