Congratulations on the recovery! I think you are to be commended for not trying to overdo it. I have a great deal of sympathy right now for anyone with knee problems.

I damaged my left knee somehow in July (may have been the fall I took landing on my side when my feet slipped out from under me to the right on a muddy patch in the trail). I finished out that trip, and did another a week later, but it just felt strange (mostly stiff, with very loud clicks when I straightened it). I feared a minor meniscus tear, but when I started physical therapy in October (after I retired, I figured I had time to address the problem) the therapist didn't find any signs of one. I am still doing exercises to relieve some pain in the knee but managed an easy 10-mile day hike at Point Reyes last week which was wonderful (and didn't give me any pain). At age 55 I am finding things like this put the fear of God into me - one small slip and my hiking days could be permanently affected. According to the therapist, I should have a full recovery from this one (phew!).