Welcome! If you haven't already found them, there are lots of excellent articles on lightening your pack and on gear selection listed in the left-hand column of http://www.backpacking.net/, the home page of this site. Especially look at the 27-lb., 7-day gear list.

Another good site for gear selection is Mark Verber's website. Lots of ideas for gear, from the latest technology to ultra-low-budget alternatives. Also tons of links to reviews and other sites.

I suggest your next purchase be a postage scale that will weigh to the nearest 0.1 ounce. Weigh everything and make a spreadsheet, using the above-mentioned gear list from this site's home page as your model. This is not a one-time deal--with the spreadsheet you can regularly analyze your gear, determine the effects of adding, changing or deleting any item and print out a handy checklist before every trip.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey