i am new to this site but not to pack trips and im not wanting to ruffle feathers here but....yes i would say he could cut down on weight a bit but not everyone has the cash for superlight gear.

late july should be safe for weather but i have been caught in 20 *F snow storms and had almost a foot of snow in two hours in late july!

off of OP timeline, a lot has to do with where and when you are going out...right? if say you are heading to the collegiate peaks in mid october it could be dry and 70*F but it could then blizzard, dump 3 ft of snow overnight and be -10*F in a matter of hours...that 20* bag may not cut it anymore...that one pair of pants for sure isnt gunna get the job done for 10 days!

i think the OP had a good basic starting list.
blanket statements need to be covered with a....in this weather condition blah blah blah....safety first

Edited by flyguyskt (09/15/10 01:48 PM)