I think this is a lite philosophy.

Using your creativity and innovation to find solutions, from what is available or from your own design and fabrication, in order to achieve certain function and performance, that is an essential part of the hiking experience. As modern day hunter-gatherer-nomads, we should not be so exasperated when we walk into an outfitters, and discover once again that 99% of the stuff is useless or unsuitable, and that some of the local fauna are hostile. Should we be surprised? Should that deter us? No. In the woodlands, is every tree and plant perfect for our immediate needs, if we need a small fire, or walking stick, or cup of tea? In the hills, is every crevice a perfect shelter, or platform for cooking? Is every stone a whetstone to sharpen our best blade? Nonsense.

The woodlands and hills have tought us better, and taught us well. That this is just the natural way of things. This is as it should be. So we adapt. We innovate. We test. We look for things in odd places. We are ever alert, and critical, but respectful of our surroundings and our fellow creatures. Everyone is just trying to make their own way. And we are stronger for it. The weak. Well, the weak fall away, and give their song to the wind.

Here's to all the ungulates,
Some odd toed, but most just nuts.
Scraping a living on roots and snails,
Walking through life on their fingernails.