From what I saw, the conclusion was already drawn before the "test" was performed. ("It's already drizzling. Let's see how they're doing on the beading test..." and both tents were beading nicely - so he began attacking the Tarptent on other grounds, like two guys can't play cards in it.) There was some definite ax-grinding going on there.

It appears the "tester" was mostly interested in proving that his choice (the Eureka) was the absolute best, and The Rest of You Are Doing It Wrong And You Need to Admit I'm Right And Do It Like Me. (Franco - I didn't think either tent was particularly well-pitched.)

Now, Franco and I absolutely do not agree on our preferred choices between the Tarptent Rainbow and the MSR Hubba/Carbon Reflex. The difference is, we both recognize that there are a lot of good tents out there, and different people will prefer different tents depending on their needs. Thus, I can be head-over-heels for my Carbon Reflex without feeling the need to call him an idiot for choosing a Tarptent, and vice versa.

Tents have many features: light weight, low cost, durability, water resistance, space/volume, color, and versatility are among them. Most tents are functionally equivalent in terms of water resistance and durability, mostly. That leaves a lot of room for people to make choices that fit their personal needs. I may care more about light weight than low cost and space, you may care more about low cost and space, and someone else might simply refuse to use a red tent regardless of any of the other features. That doesn't make any of us right, or wrong - just different. And it certainly means that I can't criticize your priorities or your choice merely for being different than mine. (I can criticize you if you say that light weight is more important to you than cost, and you choose a six-pound tent because it's cheap.)