Originally Posted By hhavel
(I say here Mooseeey Moosey - I'm more afraid of Moose than bear anyways)

Not a word of a lie.. I swear to god this story is true.

A number of years ago a party of us were moose hunting in northern alberta with a newbie tyro who went with us - the newbie had been drawn for cow moose where we were hunting.

Unfortunately the newbie did not believe their compass, with predictable results. As 4 of us were filing off of a seismic line to spread through the likely area to find him, two of us (myself and one other) jokingly yelled out at the top of our lungs "HERE MOOOSEY MOOSEY MOOOSEY" - immediately noise ensued to the front of us and running right toward us, then standing and looking at us about 20 yards away was a cow moose. We sat there bitterly contemplating how it would look if we had to call the RCMP to find our tyro "So he could tag the moose he shot before he got lost" - and of course didn't shoot it.

I swear to it on a stack of bibles - I have honestly called a moose to me with "HERE MOOSEY MOOSEY MOOSEY".

Edited by phat (08/09/10 09:42 PM)
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