Glad you asked actually.

I one day do desire to tackle to entire Appalachian Trail, as well some other long hikes. The thing is, this is an expensive hobby. I want to make a moderate investment, and be done for a bit. Obviously I will be making adjustments to my gear as time progresses, exchanging things and what not. I just want to do thorough research before I do. I mean, when your going on a major hike like that wouldn't you want something that can handle a lot of weight? In case you want to bring more food/gear while on the trip. I personally would rather over-pack, then under-pack. I would want whatever pack I am getting to be able to handle just about anything I throw at it. Whether it be thru-hikes, or if apocalypse type scenario's I want this thing to be able/willing lol. Thats really why I wanted the a size like this.

I mean I guess I see what you saying in terms of having a do-it-all pack. There is really no such thing huh? Maybe thats why I'm going nuts lol. I really would like something that is weather-proof and something thats going to keep the weight off my shoulders and onto my hips. Thats where I felt the Dana fell short. I am a small guy, 5-10 145 lbs very skinny. Shoulders are definitely lacking the meat they need for this pack. I just didn't feel any cushion, nor weight transfer to the hips. I was carrying 40+ lbs.

In a nutshell, pack must be:
Size: Big enough for me to go on thru-hikes, and possibly some kind of expedition.
Durability: Water-proof would be a +. Heavy loads if need be, strong fabrics.
Comfort: Some kind of form fitting shoulder straps. I know my shoulders are going to be sore, but mine were getting dug into by the straps on this thing. Like I said I am skinny I need something to make up for the lack of shoulders thats why I loved the Palisade 80 lol. That thing felt like the tempur pedics of packs.
Convenience: I want something that I don't have to unpack the whole pack if I need something.

I mean couldn't you buy a bigger pack, but just pack lighter and hit that 30lb mark? I really like Arc'Teryx because of their selective fiber process, and how anal they are when it comes to their products. What about the Altra 65, 75? They both seem light. One is 4.875, the other is 5.065. And they seem EXTREMELY convenient.