We did the 10k Volskmarch up Crazy Horse and a few days later hiked Harney Peak (also in the Black Hills, SD) with our 4 year old boy walking most of it. His 1 year old daughter got the ride in the kid backpack. He did very well even though he hated walking. To over come that we needed to play games, do little races, etc to keep his mind of it and make it more enjoyable.

I just got small hydration backpacks for my kids and they are very excited to use them. So hopefully that will help give them more interest in hiking. BTW, they are now 6 & 3 years old and I'm not taking any of them in the carrier.

Anyway, just stick your kid in the carrier and go for a walk. That will be the best way to determine if the carrier and you are up to i.
Please feel free to disregard my opinion.