Originally Posted By NiytOwl

Here's what I did to conquer the bugs: A brimmed hat with bug netting saved me from having to put the bug juice on my face (I hate ANYTHING on my face), and kept the swarming critters from becoming inadvertent snacks. I also treated my convertible pants, long-sleeve shirt, and socks with permethrin. That kept the pests from biting through the thin fabric. The 20% picaridin bug spray went on the only exposed skin - my hands - every couple of hours. I got 3 bites - all because my shirt came untucked from my pants and exposed my back. [I have since learned to put a bit of spray there as insurance.]

Thanks for the tips - sounds like what I do for walking in meadows in the high Sierra in spring, so I am well prepared. After a walk in Yosemite yesterday, I'm prepping to do a permethrin bath for my clothing. smile
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
