As a new member myself I have to completely disagree with you starcruzzer. You should have spent a little time reading other posts and articles from the site. Not only are they very helpful and could have answered many of your questions you would have seen how gear lists are critiqued. You posted in "light Gear Talk" yet did not have any wieghts...these guys and girls live for weights. When you say 'i have a tent' that could mean anything...the weights can vary by several POUNDS. Which in the light gear world is huge! Some people 'nix' toilet paper and cut the corners off their maps:)
You also never really answered any specifics that you could answer to help people give you a better idea of what you would need (e.g. Where you were camping and for how long). Instead your responses seemed (at least to me) very argumentative and somewhat condescending.
I have asked a couple questions here so far and everyone has been more than helpful! I plan on eventually putting up my gear list...but it will be after much more research and knowing that I will be taking my toilet paper with me (which I will be told to nix). I will leave the rocks and leaves to the more hardcore:)
PS Look at the the post by Will King a couple below this one "New to Forum - solo gear list" (or something like that). Read the responses...especially balzaccom's and then look at Will's response. That is how gear list posts typically work.

Edited by forsciguy (04/28/10 06:16 PM)