Originally Posted By Starcruzzer
mine is very much like yours. some of the things like the cold steel knife yes its a big knife but you know what i can boton the hell out of wood with it, it's all about compromises and personal preferance. the last trip i went on in the colorado rockies, i actually took a machete (very heavy i know) and it actually turned out that it was the most used tool. now i realize a knife can do just a good job as chopping.

Your generic list is much like my real list now

Chopping what?

All I ever "chop" is salami, cheese and clean the occasional fish.

Most places don't permit fires, so chopping wood is unnecessary except at actual campsites; and even then, there is much "dead" wood to use.

Geeze, a machete-- that reminds me of my younger days when my father used to bring a long an axe for chopping fire wood laugh [b][/b]