Originally Posted By Boomer
I didnt have anything to eat right before bed, had a can of soup and a muffin for dinner, there isnt any sort of wind problem in my tent, I use a REI Arete 2 I didnt have the hood all the way cinched down, now that i think of it that was most likely what was wrong with it. I was thinking that the lack of insulation on the bottom was the main problem...

Obviously the warmth is different for everybody, but as a general overview a +15 degree bag with an insulated aircore pad, which has an R-Value of 4.1 should provide plenty of warmth into the low-mid 20s with very little clothing. Again, personally speaking, I would be almost on the warm side in temps above freezing with that system.

This leads me to believe that it was more to do with your food and hydration intake throughout the day. Soup and a muffin is not very calorie dense, and I suspect that may have been the problem.

The other thing that comes to mind is that perhaps your pad was not blown up sufficiently or leaked air during the night?

A couple of other points, I have no experience with this bag, but I know that a few BA bags run a little wide-- is this bag too big for you? If so then there may be too much air in the bag for your body to heat.