The one thing I see missing from your workout (and I may have missed it) is that you need to work your core abdominal muscles.

The best exercise I found for this was to do crunches using a large balance ball. You lay back on the balance ball with both feet on the ground set a little wider than shoulder width. Then do crunches to build the abdominal. Using the balance ball forces you to use obliques and other muscles and not to "cheat" on the crunches.
Learn to do these on a soft surface (carpet or padded floor) because those hard surfaces really hurt when you fall off the ball. Gee, how do I know? smile

I also found that doing lunges with my fully loaded backpack helped build up my thighs and I also used the Stairmaster a lot and rode the bike.

Hope this helps.

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Either way, you're right.