I use BOTH SteriPen Adventurer and MicroPur chlorine dioxoide tablets.

STERIPEN ADVENTURER > for my bike bottle for IMMEDIATE pure water so I can always have it to mix in electrolyte drink powders. (coffee filter used as a pre-filter)

KATADYN MICROPUR TABLETS > for my hydration bladder at the evening refill so I have water ready for the next day. Plus it cleans out bacteria in the drink tube. (coffee filter used as a pre-filter)

(And for cooking water I just bring it to a good rolling boil for at least 30 seconds.)

P.S. Bacteria & viruses, like people, seem to be inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the roads and the cube of the distance above them.
"There are no comfortable backpacks. Some are just less uncomfortable than others."