I'd probably pass on it. The tent weighs 6+ pounds by itself; the seller calls this "lightweight," but most of us on these forums don't hit much over 6 pounds combined for sleeping bag, tent, and pack - so my guess is the pack will weigh a good 5 pounds, and the sleeping bag will weigh at least 3.

It's not expensive, for sure - which normally leads to questions about quality. When the rain barely slows down as it comes through the rainfly or soaks up through the floor, and your sleeping bag is completely wet, and the pack has rubbed your shoulders and hips raw, "I saved $500 by not getting name brand" isn't much comfort.

I've never heard of this brand. That doesn't mean it's not good quality, it's just that it doesn't seem to have made any inroads into the "serious" backpacking world (whatever that is.)

You'd be better off to spend a little more money on some good quality gear. You don't have to break the bank - there are some great values out there from brands like REI, Kelty, Sierra Designs, and others that are top-notch quality, just not horribly light. (But lighter than the stuff you found on eBay.)

When it comes to gear, you can choose two: lightweight, high quality, low cost.