My Dear James,

Chris, the OP, wanted a pot around 1.3 L or larger. The JB 1.5 L pot fits the bill and I recommend it due to the neoprene cozy and bottom heat exchanger for a bit more fuel efficiency.

BUT, removing steel handles and the steel handle attatchment point does lower the weight by a few oz., (not a few 10ths of an ounce) I now use a very light, skeletonized, aluminum pot gripper. No bandaids needed - so far. :0)

I do have one Ti utensil, a skillet. Realized it was a BIG mistake when I saw how poorly it spread heat. A skillet, especially, needs to spread heat evenly. Who the he!! ever TESTED that thing before marketing it???? Nobody who is a backpacker, for sure. I'll stay with aluminum pots & skillets W/ heavy anodizing inside from now on.

Anyway, I very seldom bother carrying a skillet unless I'm cooking for a group. Then I get some other sucker to carry it.

"There are no comfortable backpacks. Some are just less uncomfortable than others."