I've spent a lot of time in a wall tent in subzero weather. The answer is that you *don't* try to keep the thing going all night. it is not for keeping you warm while you are asleep.that's what your sleeping bag is for. The stove keeps you warm when you are not asleep. (and ensures the condensation dries out of your sleeping bag, etc).

The stuff about eating less is a giant crock. it's not a a weight saver. You're completely right about that, well, maybe not in the right case. My packable tent and stove weighs 5 pounds total - stove is three of that.. smile - still 5 pounds is a lot of food, and the kind of extra food I take in cold weather for extra food is, well, shortbread, and bacon,and chocolate, and all sorts of high calorie high fat wonderfullness wink My usual dead of winter menu is my summer menu with extra soup, chocolate, shortbread cookies, hot chocolate mix, and scotch!

Real Winter OM? With the wind chill on Sunday here it was -58C. Real enough for ya?

Edited by phat (12/16/09 09:45 PM)
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