Mouse, Zaldude,
I too hate the long nights, I'm sure thats why the Canadians like a stove and candles. Its no fun laying in a small confined tent for half of the day. I do have a Xcursion lantern that runs off the Xfuel cans (internal fuel bottle of its own that is charged from a larger bottle)and it seemed to not suffer from cold, however the heat and light (and carbon monoxide output is very low, but it is cheery. When I started snow camping we would put on our "space suits" and dive into snowbanks and crawl under the snow. Now I tend to leave home around 11:00 pm in the dark, ski in by headlamp and pitch the tent so I'm probably in it by 12:30 and then I spend less time in it.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.