It's hard to answer your question because it depends on what the rest of your gear looks like. To evaluate whether the Pawnee is the pack for you, you'll need to first ask yourself two questions:

1. How much does your gear, food, and a quart or two of water weigh? I just looked at the Pawnee on REI's website; it doesn't have a load rating like other packs, but looks like it might handle 25- 30 pound loads comfortably, since it weighs three and a half pounds. That leaves you 22 - 27 pounds for the rest of your stuff.

2. How bulky is your gear, food, and water? If you're trying to outfit yourself on the cheap, a 3300 cubic inch pack may not be anywhere near large enough. (I only mention this because choosing Kelty gear often indicates budgetary constraints. I'm not trying to belittle that - it's better to get out on a budget than sit home wishing for expensive gear. And, if your other gear shows similar good taste as the Kelty pack, you're getting top-quality traditional gear that will perform well for you - it will just be a little heavier. Again, better to carry a little more weight and be out, than sitting home dreaming of ultralight.)

If the Pawnee will carry the weight and bulk you're planning to take, there is a third question: does the pack fit you?

This is perhaps the most important question of all, even though it comes last. A well-fitting pack can make a 30 pound load feel feather-light, while a horrid-fitting ultralight pack will make a 20 pound load unbearable. (In my case, the ultralight nightmare was an Osprey Exos 46 - never could keep it from digging into my shoulders.) I notice the Pawnee does not have an adjustable torso length; this could be a problem if the fixed torso length isn't the same as your torso length.

The Pawnee might be a good pack, if it meets these criteria. If it doesn't, you might want to look at a pack like the Deuter Aircontact Lite 65+10 or ACT Lite 65+10. Both have larger capacities, and both allow you to adjust the pack's suspension so it fits your back better. (These may be the 2009 and 2010 versions of the same pack, but REI lists them as two separate packs.)

Edited by Glenn (12/12/09 07:57 AM)