I want the GPS to use the route I programmed (8->9->10, etc). And give me a final distance based on the calculated distance of the route between waypoint 8 and 20.

Okay, I took the time and checked my Garmin eMap. You can create "New" routes. And you can select waypoints from your list of waypoints to use in your new route. I'd expect that your eTrex will do everything and more than my eMap.

So, on my eMap, you'd have to manually select each waypoint,from 8-20 and include them in your new route in the order you want to navigate to them. Save the new route, and then select it to start your "Navigation" for the day.

You can not create a "New" track on my eMap. The GPS creates them for you based on where you've been. I'd expect your eTrex is the same.

Okay, as I understand it, "Tracks" are basically just high resolution "Routes". They have more lat/long coordinates per mile, so to speak. The software is designed so that the longer your track is being recorded, the lower its resolution becomes.

As I said, there is software that will allow you to create Tracks by drawing them on a map and use them by uploading them to your GPS. Why do this?

Tracks will give you a better "ETA" than Routes that use less waypoints.

If I'm going somewhere I've never been before I will create tracks and use them instead of routes. I can follow the terrain on topo maps to avoid steep bluffs, and what not, when creating them and I've found it can save me a lot of time getting to my destination.

You can do the same thing with routes. It's just a little different approach. Both have pros and cons. Basically, Routes are faster and easier to make and you can do it on your handheld GPS, but they are less accurate for hiking on or off trails, and providing ETAs.

I'm pretty sure that Garmin has the user manuals for all their GPS models available for download on their website. They have step-by-step directions for using all the features the software has programmed into it.