Originally Posted By DJ2

I hike alone and carry a plb. I tell my wife to not call SAR until the morning of the day after my expected return day. This is because the most likely "late" scenario for me would be that I almost make it to the trail head by nightfall of the last day and need some morning daylight to get to the car and to a phone. SAR isn't going to start a search in the dark anyway and I definitely don't want my wife calling wolf.

I don't have time for a full response, but wanted to chime in on this point... oh yes, SAR WILL start a search in the dark! That is when the majority of our searches start here.

More to come...


P.S. Of course in AK, this time of year, dark starts at 3pm and ends at 10am, so we do alot of winter searches in the dark...

Edited by midnightsun03 (12/07/09 02:55 PM)
Edit Reason: to add the P.S. Comment
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