Originally Posted By NiytOwl

That said, it would be foolish not to take some preventative action, because we're about to witness a lot more "Yuppie 911" calls. When Jill and Joe I-Am-Invincible think they can do anything now that they have help just a push-button away, THEY WILL. And when they get in over their heads, they will push that button. If they didn't have that button to push, they likely would have exercised more caution in their trip planning.

I don't think that is true. Not at all. That's like the idea that allowing people to carry concealed weapons will result in gunfights all over the place - never happened. And "yuppie 911 calls" won't happen either.

SPOT/ACR/McMurdo have been around for a while. The SAR folks haven't been overwhelmed with "yuppie 911" calls.

SPOT/ACR/McMurdo do empower folks with a new level of responsibility and preparedness for backcountry travel. But very few thrill junkies can find a way to get in trouble and make "yuppie 911" calls. There are always going to be rescues of "stupid" people who set off uneducated and unprepared. But SPOT/ACR/McMurdo would really help in these situations - saves SAR a lot of time and money. Overall these devices are money-savers - people carrying them should get a reduced rate.