I'm a tick magnet.

Me too. But this year I saw fewer ticks than any of the past 15 years. Not sure why. We've had a lot of rain the past two years. Maybe that's it.

I went hiking today with some friends and they said that they thought that you build up an immunity to chigger bites. I think they might be right. After 15 years here in the Ozarks I don't have as many bites appear and those that do aren't as severe.

It might be a stronger immune system though. I really noticed a difference with I started taking two packets of that "Emergen C" stuff every morning. The chigger bites didn't itch as bad and healed much quicker.


Luckily in MO I can hike in fall/winter/spring and float in the summer

Yeah, I tell people that visit that there is a rhythm to life here. You got it down pat smile


"You want to go where?"