Originally Posted By dla

How often does that happen? Do you know? How do you know you aren't being played by the media? I even read one poster suggesting we need "legislation" - WOW!

Maybe folks should get a grip.

There *is* a fine for PLB misuse here. and you'll get charged for rescue costs. But I agree here - The story smells like a nice sensational media story to sell copy. I see no facts and lots of sensationalism like "Yuppie 911".

One factor you are potentially not considering is that all that doom and gloom and Yuppie 911 talk and legislation talk actually prevents people from taking them when they should. and using them when they should.

Case in point. I have one. I didn't take it on a hike last year because I had cell phone in all but an 8km section of pass, and figured it was not an "emergency" if I was anything but dead on a popular trail and could send one of the frequent passers by to the nearest end to phone for me. etc. etc.

I was given the what for by several members here (as well as a friend who flies SAR) who told me not to be an idiot, that if I was truly in trouble even if it wasn't immediately "life or limb threatening" - that if I was gonna be overdue they'd end up looking for me anyway - it would be better if I just pressed the button - saves them time in the air, and effort (and risk on their part) in finding me.

That is not to say that people being idiots with them doesn't happen.
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