Well, I now have both of them. And as you can obviously guess from this, I'm not married.

But these two are very different animals. The Zebralight is a lot lighter and smaller, while the Minimus is a serious and weighty piece of hardware. Some plusses and minuses from using the Zebra for about 2 years, and both of them on a two week safari trip that I just got back from.

Zebra positives:
-small and lightweight
-even smaller when using the included cord as a headband
-uses AA batteries with are available anywhere, even in rural Tanzania
-glow in the dark attachment

Zebra negatives
-without this weird aluminum snap on piece that I loose all the time it is almost impossible to keep part of the spill beam from getting into my eyes
-at least on the AA model, the 3 levels are all a bit off from being useful. Low is too low for anything but reading a book I hold very close to my eyes. Medium is just a bit below what I'd like to see for walking in a forrest, and high is too much for hiking, and too little for spotting or lighting a hotelroom when the generator dies.
-the beam color can only be described as nasty. Very blue, very "artificial". It makes for a very flat view.

Minimus positives
-no spill beam in the eyes
-much brighter than the nominal 50% difference in lumen suggests
-much better beam color
-very adjustable output
-bean shape is much more useful than the Zebralight. It's rectangular and weighted towards the center.

Minimus negatives
-much heavier
-much larger. The Zebra is basically the size of a AA, I'd guess that the Minimus with headband has at least 5 times the volume of the Zebra with cord
-uses 123A which are almost impossible to get except in specialty stores
-more expensive

Anyway, for me, the Minimus is the one I'll take on trips in the future, unless I just go with my old Fenix flashlight. But YMMY, and if you are trying to shave ounces, this is probably not the light for you.