The early S90 reports look promising.

If you are just switching from analog to digital, it will take a little bit of time to get used to how digital images look on screen: there's no grain to focus on and the images sometimes appear soft when they actually aren't.

Be forewarned: no matter which digital P&S camera you end up buying, it will be updated by a newer model before you buy another calendar for your wall. I don't think the G10 even made it a full 12 months before news of the G11 was widely circulating.

Canon was smart enough to back off on the megapixels with the G11 from the G10 (G10 images are fairly noisy above ISO 100) but the inclusion of that flip-out screen really annoyed a number of users who were fairly happy with the G7/9/10 models. - especially those who put them in housings for water work.

Another thing to consider is that camera makers tend to hype the zoom range on these little P&S cameras and I have yet to see one dialed out the long end of the zoom that will produce decent results (granted, I shoot photos for a living and am rather picky about images).

There's a LOT of choices out there in terms of cameras that will suit the needs of most. If you have access to a store that actually has the models you are considering in stock, play before you pay.

Lastly, buy a spare OEM battery.....manufacturers have been known to overstate battery performance.