Originally Posted By trekkin

Good luck getting help with your problems on the web. Good luck even getting the name of a real person that is willing to help you. Not the kind of world I would wish for.

I have emailed Grant Sible and each time he responds within hours. Gossamer Gear has excellent service, replaced the handles on my Lightreks free after critters gnawed them - absolutely tops. Good gear.

Same with the Jacks at Jacks R Better. Quick response, personable, professional. Maybe backpacking gear makers are just better all around because they're backpackers and I have yet to meet a rude or uptight backpacker?

Komperdell - nope. Not even a number to call. Granite Gear? Great service. It all depends on the company.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
