The topic of dogs on trails and in other public areas is a hot-button topic; almost as hot as the topic of guns and backpacking. So far, I think, that the responses to your posts have been pretty reasonable given the nature of the subject. You, however, seem determined to toss gasoline on the fire. Comments such as:
My dog and I just got back from running down toddlers, stealing picnic baskets and dodging bullets.

are neither helpful nor funny.

You may be a dog expert, I have no way of knowing. But, for a lot of us non-experts, being confronted with even the mildest of dogs running loose in public spaces is cause for legitimate concern. If you cannot appreciate this concern, it is a bit sad to say the very least.

And finally:
I can only hope that the people who I was responding to on my last post have a better appreciation for sarcasism than anyone who is responding on there behalf.

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between sarcasm and plain hardheadedness, especially in print.
May I walk in beauty.