I regularly spend far more for a piece of gear at a trusted store than I would online.


My time has value.

I know the sales guys spend a lot of time doing the research, using the gear, etc, and I can trust their opinions. The cost of my time to do all that would be more expensive.

I also like to be able to try things on, customize fit of packs, play with a tent, etc before I make a decision. I can't do that at an online store. I can also take gear home the same day from a brick and mortar shop. I value those things, so I pay for those things.

That isn't to say online isn't useful. If there are specialty items that the local store can't carry, then I have to go online to get it.

So, my advice is this: if you value the services you were provided, then pay for it. If all you care about is price, then stop using the brick and mortar store if they are more expensive.
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