I always hike with my best friend, Sherpa (street name: Bennie). I have never had a problem with him, but other dogs and their owners are another story. I rarely put Sherpa on a leash unless needed, he follows behind quietly with a smile on his face, happy to be "working" (he carries a pack of his own). Sherpa's a very even tempered and mellow pooch, just ask JimShaw, he knows Sherpa. By the way, Jim, he says you owe him a bone from that hike in the Dunes last year mad Better pay up.

Sherpa is getting older and tires more quickly, so when we get to camp, after he marks his territory, he normally just collapses in a heap. Dogs are like people... some good, some bad tempered. I think it all boils down to the owners and their attitudes and how the dog was raised.

BF cool
Hammockers aren't stuck up, they're just above it all.