Originally Posted By billstephenson
Barry, the No.1 danger when hiking in the forest is...
After that it's Chupacarbras,...and what nots.

Man those things can be deadly.
I avoid them it all cost.
I think the only thing worse are WhatIfs.
They can bring a person to a complete stand still just thinking about them.
They'll distract you from the truly important things, and cause you distress over the unimportant & improbable.

Barry might be beyond help already.
It reads like he's had a run in with a pack of urban WhatIfs.

Should someone keep an eye on Barry to make sure his WhatIfs don't infect others?
I've been told they spread through contact of any sort,
particularly among the uninformed & young.

I've found education to be a highly successful inoculation if applied before exposure.
After exposure it's hit or miss.
The only hope for a cure after exposure appears to be experience. Even then it's not 100%.
