Well Barry, as you can see, some of the regulars are having some fun at your expense, and as a moderator, I am not going to stop them. Their point is just because you looked at a couple of books that don't mention lightweight backpacking, that does not mean this site is a front for some company. Who do you think we are, the health insurance business? No. The site has many sponsors who are just that-companies that place ads here because the site attracts potential customers who might buy their products; it is the same reason beer companies buy ad time on ESPN-because people watch sports, a lot of people and a lot of those people like beer. It is a simple concept.

A site that attracts hikers interested in lightweight gear attracts companies that make it. Advertising 101-find your target audience. Henry Shires isn't going to sell a Tarptent to someone driving an RV; he is going to sell Tarptents to people who want to hike the old Appalachian Trail (except Mark Sanford).

I don't even own a lot of lightweight gear but if my choice is between buying something really heavy and something light that does the same thing, I'm getting the light one. The reason you don't see a lot of lightweight gear in stores or mentioned in books is because a lot of it is made by small companies who can't supply a chain like REI or can't make it cheap enough to sell in other large retailers. Lightweight gear often requires skill, as well and retailers would rather sell average, lowest common denominator gear that is cheap and takes a lot of abuse than something with a learning curve that needs a certain level of care to last.

Edited by TomD (08/11/09 07:42 PM)
Don't get me started, you know how I get.