I don't think the majority of people go out of their way to avoid lightweaight gear. I think it is more about lack of education on the value of going lightweight, and possibly also somewhat cost because lightweight gear does tend to be more expensive (unless you make your own). Many people who follow lightweight principles choose some areas to cut significant weight (i.e. pack weight, sleeping bag, stove/cookwear, clothing), but don't go whole-hog lightweight on every piece of gear. Lightweights like me have no choice but to go lightweight - I weigh just over 100 lbs, and 35% of my body weight is ~ 35#. With "traditional" gear it doesn't take long before I'm at that point or higher. With lightweight gear I can go down to 15-20# and have room for luxuries if I want. If you're a big hulking guy with youth on your side then you might not care about hefting a 60# pack around, but if you're like most of us, every pound of weight off your back makes the hike ever so much more enjoyable.

Yes, for some people pack weight is an obsession and/or a point of pride, but on this board people are conscientious about making sure everyone has an opportunity to hike their own hike. If you care more about technique than gear, you still have a place on this board. The collective wisdom here is enormous, and generously shared.
YMMV. Viewer discretion is advised.