Antigravitygear now has the new evernew pasta pots for sale at their site.

Evernew Pasta Pot Small - 700ml - 4.36"h x 3.9"w - 3.35 oz - $51.30

Evernew Pasta Pot Med - 1000ml - 4.36"h x 4.65"w - 4.1oz - $64.55

It is worth noting that there is some discrepancy in volumes and weights between evernew's website and AGG's.

I just ordered the small pasta pot as a replacement for an olicamp titanium space saver kettle that I got for $20 on closeout several years ago. I have just gotten tired of the lid on the thing. It is supposed to double as a fry pan, but it serves neither purpose well (lid or frypan).

Here are some specs on comparable pots to the small....
Snow Peak Trek 700ml - $35 - 4.4”h x 4.13”w - 4.25 oz
Tibetan Titanium 700ml - $30 - 4.13”h x 3.7”w - 3.7 oz
Evernew 640ml - $42 - 4.25”h x 3.7”w - 3.4 oz

anyway, thought this might be useful information to those in search of the illusive perfect pot.... Not sure this is it for me, but it has all the things I wanted and it is light compared to others in the same range.