Well, I'm wondering if anyone has a solution possibly for a minor issue I've been having with my sleeping pad. I'm even curious if anyone else has has any similar issues.

My problem would be that when I get around to blowing up my sleeping pad, it eventually loses much of its air throughout the night. At first I thought it might be leaking air somewhere, so after this trip I returned from this past weekend I blew it up and let it sit all day. It was still inflated just fine.

So, knowing now that I don't have an obvious leak, I can only assume it loses air because the temperature goes from the 70's down into the 40-30 degree range as the night progresses. So while I start out with a comfortable cushion of air in the late evening, by morning it is probably half as full as it was.

While this really is only a minor inconvenience as far as I'm concerned, it is one of those things that bugs me merely because I can not currently see a way to prevent it at the moment. So I've come here to see if collective thought may provide a solution. I know I could go buy a new pad that doesn't recquire being inflated, but like I said, it is a minor inconvenience and more or less something that pokes at my brain to be solved.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.-Aristotle