Originally Posted By Heber
I don't think a cozy permanently attached to the pot is the best idea. While the stove is running it will slow down the heating of the water. That warm air that rises up the sides of the pot makes the net flow of heat INTO the pot, not the reverse. Once the stove is out you can slip a cozy on to retain the heat.

That's my recommendation anyway.

I guess I didn't read that into the original post - I supposed the concern was not having something flammable in the vicinity of the stove, not cooking in it. I would never use a cozy on a pot while it's in use - reflectix is the most oft used material for cozies and it would surely melt over direct flame, but it isn't likely to catch on fire.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
