OK. I read this over the weekend. For anyone who is like me and just likes to read about long distance hikes, this book fits the bill. It is a book about a long distance hike.

It strikes all the usual notes that such books tend to strike. There is a little mild humor. There are descriptions of trail magic and trail cameraderie. The authors must struggle with the elements, with weight loss and dehydration, with exhaustion, with lover's spats, and with a few wild critters.

If you have never read a book about thru-hiking the PCT, it will satisfy some of your curiosity about what it is like. But it is not a classic. The writing is just adequate to the requirements of the narrative. They don't have a knack for making it all come alive through the magic of great writing.

It's an average treatment of the subject, but the number of books on the subject are few, so there's enough room for it on the PCT hiker's shelf.