I did pick up a SMD Starlight in Dec., it has load lifters and I got a 20% discount that month. Weights 25 oz. and replaces my torn Golite Gust that got dragged over rocks on my week long, xc trip in SEKI last summer. Dyneema is very good material, but very susceptible to damage when caught between a hard sided bear canister and rocks. I have not had an opportunity to use my Starlight and it is only big enough for my summer gear, not winter camping, unlike my Gust. I went with it because of the fabric, I thought it would last longer than silnylon. Maybe I didn't see where the Mariposa could be bought in a more robust material. I spent a couple weeks or more comparing Golite, GG, SMD, ULA. I think the negative comments about each decided me. The Z Pack would be vulnerable to sharp objects, but I had read where it made it thru the PCT. It seems all the packs are going back up in weight. I wonder if it is because of consumer complaints about comfort. ??